Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Travel Blogs and the Implications for Destination Marketing

Question: How will the Big Data revolution change the global travel and tourism industries; and create opportunity for fast movers? Answer: According to the article, the Big Data helps the tourism and the hospitality industry with the past and the present data regarding the consumers choice and demand (Foundation, 2015). The Big Data software cannot help the operators to know about what a consumer will prefer in a summer day, but the Big Data can definitely help the operators to know about which brand of beer or the ice cream of which company the individuals are more inclined to in a hot summer day. In addition to this, the Big Data can help the consumers to know more about a tourist destination spot or which restaurant is more popular in an area depending upon the Data submitted in the software (Tnooz, 2015). However, many tourists have criticized Big Data analysis because, according to them Big Data spoils the essence of the journey by prior evaluation of the destinations Travel blogs Pan, B., MacLaurin, T., Crotts, J. (2007). Travel Blogs and the Implications for Destination Marketing. Journal Of Travel Research, 46(1), 35-45. doi:10.1177/0047287507302378 The article talks about the impact of contents on the mind of the consumers, or more specifically the travelers. The travel blog help the traveler to understand from the real life experiences from people and know about the problems or advantages of destinations (Pan, MacLaurin Crotts, 2007). In addition to these the travel blogs are used to get the customer feedback regarding a particular destination. It was found that the major strength regarding certain destinations is the historical background of a place, the areas of attraction and so on. On the other hand, the areas of weaknesses that have been found out through the blog is the weather of a particular location, the restaurant services in the area and so on (Tnooz, 2015). Digital Travel Marketing Schetzina Walsh, C. (2015). The Mobile Effect: Disrupting the Competitive Landscape in the Digital Travel Market writtenby (1st ed.). Retrieved from The article talks about the use of social media and mobile apps that help the frequent travelers to travel in a hassle free manner. In addition to this, the article talks about how the growth of smart phones and the tablets that are gradually eliminating the PC usage (Schetzina Walsh, 2015). The digital marketing has given a stiff competition to the traditional travel agencies. The OTA (Online Travel Agencies) are gradually acquiring the market with the fast growing technology and consumer support. The Online Travel Agencies have partnered with the hotels and tourist spots and provide the customers with the latest rate of the hotels and destinations. The consumers are also finding the new technology helpful and user friendly (Social? Thats for consumers. For travel companies, social media means business., 2015) The above mentioned annotated bibliography accounts for the three trends in the hospitality and the tourism industry has helped the tour managers as well as the consumers to get an in-depth knowledge about the destination before travelling. References Foundation, F. (2015). How will the Big Data revolution change the global travel and tourism industries; and create opportunity for fast movers? (1st ed.). Retrieved from Pan, B., MacLaurin, T., Crotts, J. (2007). Travel Blogs and the Implications for Destination Marketing. Journal Of Travel Research, 46(1), 35-45. doi:10.1177/0047287507302378 Schetzina Walsh, C. (2015). The Mobile Effect: Disrupting the Competitive Landscape in the Digital Travel Market writtenby (1st ed.). Retrieved from Social? Thats for consumers. For travel companies, social media means business. As digital channels mature in scope and power, the industry needs to catch up. (2015) (1st ed.). Retrieved from Tnooz,. (2015). Big Data and the hospitality, travel and tourism industry - Tnooz. Retrieved 3 September 2015, from Tnooz,. (2015). Do travel bloggers actually have direct influence on consumer decisions?. Retrieved 3 September 2015, from

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