Wednesday, November 27, 2019

2018 Hurricane Names

2018 Hurricane Names 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 Below you will find the listing of hurricane names for the Atlantic Ocean for the year 2018. For every year, there is a pre-approved list of tropical storm and hurricane names. These lists have been generated by the National Hurricane Center since 1953. At first, the lists consisted of only female names; however, since 1979, the lists alternate between male and female. Hurricanes are named alphabetically from the list in chronological order. Thus the first tropical storm or hurricane of the year has a name that begins with A and the second is given the name that begins with B. The lists contain hurricane names that begin from A to W, but exclude names that begin with a Q or U. There are six lists that continue to rotate. The lists only change when there is a hurricane that is so devastating, the name is retired and another hurricane name replaces it. The 2018 hurricane name list is almost the same as the 2012 hurricane name list.  Hurricane Sandy was a large and destructive storm in 2012 so the name was retired from the list and Sara took its place. 2018 Hurricane Names AlbertoBerylChrisDebbyErnestoFlorenceGordonHeleneIsaacJoyceKirkLeslieMichaelNadineOscarPattyRafaelSaraTonyValerieWilliam

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ýnteractive TV essays

à nteractive TV essays The Web and the Internet are the latest technologies to be harnessed by companies trying to develop interactive television. This paper reviews the efforts of technology companies and broadcasters to combine television and the Web in their products and activities, and how users are already using them both at home. It reviews some research on the way that TV and the PC/Internet are used at home, and suggests some way that the Web could be integrated with television use. Unlike earlier interactive television projects, where the innovation was largely conducted behind closed doors and among consortia of companies, the innovation environment in which Web-based interactive television is being developed includes a huge number of existing users, technology and content suppliers who play an active role the innovation process. The concept of social learning is suggested as the area of development of tools to understand the process of technical, social and cultural change around innovation of t his sort. In particular the idea of poles of attraction is introduced to understand why a huge numbers of supply side players and users are orienting towards the Internet as a possible solution to interactive television. 1. Introduction Of all the visions of the future of television (note 1), interactive television (I-TV) is perhaps the most radical and powerful. In this vision the ubiquitous television set will change from being a device to watch television shows or films into a home terminal for access to and interaction with networked interactive technology, programs and services. The possibilities and benefits of the technology seem self-evident, if only they can be made to work effectively and at a modest price. Many times we have been told to expect interactive television any day now. (note 2) However, after millions of dollars spent, and many pilots and service closures, most of us are still no closer to having interactive television tha...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Decades Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Decades - Essay Example Teen Angel was released in 1963 and reached 1st position on American Billboard category of popular music. Undeniably, there are other songs from the 60s that climbed to 1st position and remained popular throughout the decade. However, I feel that Mark’s song exemplified the mood prevailing during that time. Sixties was a time of children by baby boomers. After the 2nd World War, the number of families made of young couples increased. In the 60s, most children of the previously young couples were at their teenage periods (Broadus and Browne, 17). In this case, Teen Angel by Mark Dinning exemplifies an atmosphere filled with high school moods and teenage love affairs. In 1971, Indian Reservation reached 1st position in the U.S Billboard charts and remained within the top 10 category for succeeding two years. The Raiders took the nation wild with concrete lyrics and rhythmic characteristics of the song. Indian Reservation exemplifies the 70s social atmosphere filled with civil rights struggles from minority groups (Smith, 44). The Native Indian population in America was an example of minorities who experienced uncomfortable neglect and negative influence from the mainstream cultures. Therefore, the Raiders spawned the music environment with messages of cultural preservation in the song. Eighties was a decade characterized by increased diversity in musical genres. During the period, alternative rock and soul music rose to popularity. Contextually, Richard Marx released Endless Summer Nights, a song that became popular until the end of 1980s. In his song, Richard recalls of the endless summer nights he previously had with his woman. 1980s was a period when civil rights had improved and social, economic and political environments were favorable for most Americans (Lee, 38). This was the time filled with nostalgic feelings and songs that recalled of the past became popular. Unlike the 80s whose